About Me

My Story

My background is in hard-close sales, creative writing, and teaching English.

In 2017, the rise of the gig economy made me realize that I could combine my skills and become entirely location independent in my work.

I then spent years working as a copywriter for innovative app startups in the social media and health-tech spaces.

Content marketing quickly appeared on my radar. I found that I excelled at long-form educational content. That led to learning about the Google algorithm and offering SEO blog articles as a freelance digital content marketer.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve found that, while content needs to be as good as it can be, distribution, optimization, user research, and overall marketing need to be working in accord with what’s published.

But, most small tech companies and startups don’t have the budgets or expertise to execute the necessary strategies.

I got tired of fighting with clients who were unwilling to invest in the marketing they needed.

For a short while, I put content marketing on the back-burner and, through a friend who was an ethical hacker, pursued education in cybersecurity. I signed up for a few CompTIA courses, and started reaching out to ethical hackers through Linkedin.

Along with my love of writing, I learned that I enjoyed conversing with various subject-matter experts on industry trends and the process of developing proprietary tools that meet client or market needs.

My mission now is to help marketing agencies drive sales for innovative B2B tech companies.

Specifically, I streamline the production process for sales content material such as case studies, white papers, and in-depth educational content.

I think marketing agencies need to invest in content that’s designed to be engaged with by both sales teams and clients.

Content needs more than just distribution, it needs a face, a presence, a person to engage with.

We do that by interviewing subject-matter experts, telling compelling stories that connect to customer pain points, and publishing content that sales teams love.

The old mindset of sales and marketing teams operating in separate silos is not going to serve companies going into the future.

Content needs to bridge the gap between teams and always work to drive sales.

I created this website to position myself as a skilled writer with a knowledge of B2B tech audiences as well as a marketer who understands the emotional drivers behind the decision-making process.

How I Can Help You

I provide case studies and other sales content material for B2B tech agencies who want to drive sales for their clients. I also provide Linkedin distribution strategy consulting.

Guides and Templates

I offer guides and templates that you can get for free here.

Industry Newsletter

In my newsletter Wolf’s Byte: Sales-driven Content for B2B Tech, I interview marketing agency founders and fractional roles for stories, insights, and advice on how to better service companies in the B2B tech space.

You can subscribe for free by entering your email into the field below.


I’m an experienced B2B tech writer focused on driving sales through content.

I help marketing agency founders, heads of content, and client services directors streamline production of sales content material in the form of case studies, educational content, and white papers.

To learn more about what I offer, check out my services page.

Ready to talk projects? Start a conversation with me here.